FOR MEN 2025
Men’s Training for Conscious Sexuality, Love and Purpose
"I entered the training as a scared boy, single, who didn’t trust himself
and who was ashamed of his own body and sexuality..."
- Michael
Training CONSCIOUS RELATING is a space for authentic discovery of male sexuality and its conscious experience on all levels
One-year long training for men, 5 modules, total 13,5 days of learning.
Gregor Steinmaurer & Václav Němeček show their insights on men sexuality and conscious realating
Men’s Training for Conscious Sexuality, Love and Purpose
This training is going into its 9th edition in 2024
This year long training is for men who want to explore the many dimensions of conscious relating in a deep way. It is for men who feel the call to bring clarity, love and presence to their connection with Sexuality, Love and living a life with Purpose.
It is for men who are willing to have an uncompromising look at themselves in the supportive circle of other men who share the same intention.
It is for those who know that we can be more clear, grounded, loving, focused and awake as men.
The Training is held in 5 weekend modules, with a closed and committed group. The third module is longer, starting on Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon. There will be mentored meetings in between modules, and you will receive practical assignments and practices to deepen your learning and process.
Is this training for me?
- If you feel that you are weak, helpless in your relationship with your wife and you are behaving like a good boy and you do not know what your wife wants from you
- If you feel that you lack depth, satisfaction and fulfillment in your relationships
- If you are looking for a connection with yourself - your strength, the ability to be loving and open and to be led by a higher goal
- If you want to take your experience and understanding of sexuality and love to a new level
- If you are willing to immerse yourself in conscious relationships in a heroic male way
- If you are looking for a new vision and meaning of your life as a man
If you answered YES at least once,
then this training is for you and read on.
What will the training bring to you?
Relating is at the core of all life. We are born out of connection, and need interaction to grow, thrive and find meaning in life. Relationships are the expressions of this deep interconnection, but very often we are left without any real guidance, training or learning how to navigate these beautiful and difficult dimensions of life.
We are taught very little about the essential aspects of sexuality, the difference between romance and real love and the many choices we have to make as men around intimacy, marriage and family.
At the same time we are surrounded by old myths, cultural stereotypes and naïve stories about how men and women should feel and behave. We are torn between ungrounded idealizations and the often traumatic legacy of centuries of struggle, fights and violence in intimate relationships.
Without any real, grounded information, and being conditioned by cultural messages, it is difficult to find good role models and visions for healthy relationships.
The way we engage in relationships is crucial to our happiness, success, health and the experience of meaning in life.
This Training provides you with the language, skills and experiential learning to bring more ease, clarity, pleasure and awareness to all your relationships – whether in intimacy, marriage or simply your love affair with life itself.
"Male sexuality training has brought fundamental changes to my relationship with my partner. Both in the field of physical love and in the field of mutual understanding and authentic expression of mutual needs."
We will work with our patterns and wounding that often come in the way of creating healthy relationships. Bringing awareness to our personal as well as collective history of trauma and pain can bring new light and clarity into the way we create and sustain relationships.
"Sexuality is not limited to the bedroom. It is a basic energy principle that connects us to life."
Details about the one year training
This training is an opportunity and a space, where you can renew your love and connection to being alive and conscious as a man with the support of other committed men. This can refresh your body, make your emotional life more rich and stable, bring focus and clarity in your everyday life, ignite your passion for true fulfilling relating with women and understand how dealing with your sexual energy with love and awareness can become a doorway to connect with divinity.
In order to create a healthy and deep connection with the world of women, we first need to understand ourselves as man, where we take the space and the time to explore the drive of our instincts as well as the longing of our soul. In this training you will connect with your already existing qualities and resources, and also become more intimate with your challenges and that which we normally try to avoid and keep in the dark.
You will repeatedly have time to develop your relationship with your Purpose or guiding North Star.
To feel grounded, safe and clear in intimate relationships you need to know your own values, and the commitment to practice them.
The connection with our sexuality can bring us in contact with some of the deepest and most unconscious forces in our lives. Meeting this with guidance and the support of other committed men has an incredible healing potential, where we can invite our shadows into the light of human contact and loving presence.
The work includes the physiological and psychological understanding of sexuality, attachment theory and is embedded in the timeless dimension of meditation and spirituality.
We bring together the ancient wisdom of tantric teachings and sacred sexuality about the masculine and feminine polarities with the western understanding of psychological development, attachment theory, the knowledge of Trauma Therapy and Integral Theory.
We work with a variety of methods in order to skillfully address all the different developmental stages of this theme. Some of the used methods are Active and Silent Meditations, Body and Breathing Exercises, Basics of Trauma Therapy (Somatic Experiencing SE® + NARM), Guided Journeying, the understanding of Family Constellation and Primal Therapy, Sharing, Rituals, Transparent Communication, and the group dynamic to help each other to see and bring clarity into this vital aspect of being a man.
"In training you will discover possibilities and space to renew your love of life and awareness of yourself as a man."
"Gregor's work is very human, tolerant, understanding, and can handle even tense crisis situations. He can motivate and move everyone who wants and no matter where he is currently in his development, everyone will take their own."
Points we will deal with:
- Understanding the dynamic play between masculine and feminine energies, and how they are influencing our actual relationships with women
- Create awareness about how our early connection with Parents shaped, influenced and programmed our unconscious connection to sexuality, the body and relationships in general
- Regain a healthy connection with our body and physical energy
- Healing and working through the layers of shame, guilt and disconnection that we carry in our bodies and energetic system, and which inhibit us from finding a fulfilling and nourishing contact through sexuality
- Learn the principles of healthy and conscious relating, to become more free and present in intimate relationships as well in any meeting with a woman
- Learn and practice the principles of transforming sexuality into a sacred practice of energy, love and awareness
- Learn to develop a living connection with your Purpose and Higher Values as a maN
- Regain your sense of Dignity and Honor as a man in all your relationships
START 9. 5. 2025
(1st module)
Registration deadline: 1st May 2025
Bílý Mrak - Borohrádek,
Šachov (Týniště nad Orlicí)
1st module | 9. - 11.5. 2025 |
2nd module | 13. - 15.6. 2025 |
3rd module | 4. - 7.9. 2025 |
4th module | 24. - 26.10. 2025 |
5th module | 5. - 7.12. 2025 |
(English version available at
Gregor's Khushru webpage)
Training price: 1600 EUR
wtihout food & accommodation
Training consists of 5 modules
(4x Friday-Sunday, 1x Thursday-Sunday)
modules 1, 2, 4 a 5 | 315 EUR per module |
3rd module | 350 EUR |
The training is international, Czech-English with Czech-English translation. The whole team are Czechs who speak good English.
We offer three payment methods:
1. pay at once - 1600 EUR
2. payment by individual modules - first payment 315 EUR (mandatory registration fee)
3. and payment in installments - the first payment of EUR 315 (mandatory registration fee)
It is possible to complete the training only, participation in all modules of the year-round training is mandatory (it is not possible to choose only one module). As an expression of commitment, we require payment of the last workshop in advance, the payment will be used to pay for the last module - in the form you will find as an item called Mandatory registration.
Centrum Bílý Mrak:
Meals and accommodation
Each module costs about 2000 CZK per module for accommodation and vegetarian food (cash payment).
Meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner and all-day access to fluids (herbal tea and water with lemon)
The leaders

Gregor Khushru Steinmaurer (1st module)
Gregor K. Steinmaurer is a passionate therapist, coach and teacher of embodied Spirituality. His way of working is a unique combination of professionalism and clarity with deep insight, friendliness and humor.
Based in Austria and living part-time in Berlin, he is teaching and giving workshops internationally, having worked with hundreds of people in different countries and continents for more than 15 years. The work is culmination of many years of deep inner work and trainings in different areas of human development. What makes his work very alive and deeply touching for people is the absolute passion and trust he shares for human beings, for life and for a conscious way of living. He is collaborating with teams and other projects, and also leads longer retreats with Komala de Amorim.

Václav Němeček (all modules)
I have been working intensively with couples for more than 5 years, together with my wife. We create, lead and hold the unique annual partnership training Partner's Journey. Since 2019, we have been supporting and helping couples together in the form of countless couple sessions and therapies.
I have been leading men to their vision, truth and strength for more than 10 years, for 6 years I led closed annual trainings of men's groups Male Strength with the Male Circle, which I co-created with Zdenek Weber and other mentors. I founded and led the Men's Circle in Brno, Olomouc and co-founded and led the Men's Circle in Prague for several years. I was one of the mentors of the True Man's Path program (the program has already ended) and I am the co-creator and mentor of the Male Evolution program. I was at the birth of the training Conscious Male Sexuality (today the Art of Conscious Relationship for Men).
I have always been deeply moved by how most guys find that they fail to live fulfilling relationships. And that's why my journey leads me to support other men through my own transformation to live happier and more fulfilled relationships.
How do we work in training?
- you complete 5 weekend modules - in total it is a total of 13.5 days of work on yourself and on your topics not only regarding conscious relationships and sexuality
- you pass out ongoing meetings of participants between modules - dates will be specified during the training, always at least once between - individual modules (also possible on Skype)
- you get a printed manual
The Training consists of 5 Modules
1. STEPPING INTO THE CIRCLE 9. - 11.5. 2025 starts on Friday at 2pm
Brotherhood, Masculine Power and Finding your North Star
An important part will be to discover, refine and embody your deeper values, and how this aligns into your Purpose – the North Star for your journey in this training.
2. PRINCIPLES OF CREATION 13. - 15.6. 2025, starts on Friday at 2pm
Understanding the dance between the masculine and feminine
3. EMBRACING THE DARK 4. - 7.9. 2025, starts on Thursday at 5pm
Turning shadows into love and presence
Bringing our shadows and hidden aspects into the healing light of awareness, we become more clear, alive, loving and free men.
4. THE ART OF LOVE 24. - 26.10. 2025, starts on Friday at 2pm
Transforming sexuality into a sacred practice
5. COMPLETION AND INTEGRATION 5. - 7.12. 2025, starts on Friday at 2pm
Embodying the Change
You will develop a clear understanding of your map of relating – your wounds and challenges, your gifts and contributions, and your unique path of practicing conscious relating as a man.
To end something means also to honor something: Therefore will also have time to celebrate our shared journey and develop a ritual to complete the Training together!
Reviews & references
It's been a year since I completed the first module of the Male Sexuality training, led by my great teacher and master Khushru. I was very reluctant to take this course, the price was relatively high for me and I felt very scared. Now, after graduating, I feel like another man: a happy man. He helped me discover my potential, which I was not aware of until then, and begin to develop it.
Working in a male group had incredibly strong energy. There were about twenty of us, of different ages and experiences, we each came up with a different intention and brought something different to the group. I see this as an extremely important fact. I was the youngest and I enjoyed tuhleroli: older men had experiences, often achieved success in their lives, and I absorbed a lot of inspiration from them. On the contrary, I asked a lot of questions - and sometimes I inspired someone, by saying that some things did not come to me as obvious as the wise peoples saw ... I took away a sense of belonging, a harmony that I was a man myself male strength, and on this basis belonging to other men. The fear of violence and aggression has gone away, and the awareness of one's own body and the opening of one's own power have come, the urge of constant competition and mutual comparison has gone away, and the ability to learn, inspire and humbly accept has come. The fear of making mistakes left and openness to challenges came. My relationship with women changed, patterns inherited from the family began to crumble, and a genuine interest in the female world emerged. How easy it sounds in retrospect: I've been with guys of all ages and we've done some exercise, but what a new experience it was for me! I didn't know anything like that until then, and it occurs to me that we men miss a lot of such meetings today: from about seventeen to twenty-five, we're at school, where we spend most of our time with a group of people of the same age. That's when much of our worldview is being formed. I just got the conviction of constant competition, nothing more. And it can't be otherwise: other guys always threaten me with something and it can never be otherwise. And a feeling of deep frustration at my otherness in many ways, which I now, after spending time in a group with older and wiser men, see it as the greatest gift of life I have ever received.
I perceive the male group as a kind of initiation, a ritual transition to adulthood, bringing new challenges, but also new, deeply experienced and unknown joys: I began to fulfill my dreams, I do what makes sense to me and is important to me, I decided take steps I wouldn't dare think of before. I like to do well, I enjoy life, I take the time to myself. They still keep in touch with a couple of guys from the group and meeting them is always interesting, inspiring and full of joy.
I wholeheartedly wish this to all my male friends who are considering joining this or another male group, and I recommend that if you are open to this energy, it has the potential to change your life radically, in a way you can't even imagine now.
I enjoy Gregor's work. As a scientist, I highly appreciate its accuracy and clarity, its ability to grasp and name the core of the problem with laser focus. As a man and a man, I am deeply touched by his kind, yet firm humanity and masculinity. The training structure in 4 modules is well thought out with the inevitable climax at the 4th meeting. And yes, it's also about sex!
The training met my expectations and the intention I set at the beginning. I appreciate Khushru's empathetic approach. He created a safe space for internal healing of old wounds and sharing very sensitive topics and experiences.
I entered the training as a scared boy, single, who didn’t trust himself and who was ashamed of his own body and sexuality. I am gradually acquiring more and more healthy confidence and more mature male identity. I feel freer and I am also more attractive for women who naturally started to appear in my life. Currently I have a girlfriend.
It was important for me to know how sexuality is also connected with the overall non-erotic experience. By cultivating sexual energy, a person is more present in the body, deeper in contact with his emotions and has more creative energy in everyday projects. Not only is the relationship with women more authentic, but with all people, including oneself. I was also surprised at how big changes simple exercises can make, if chosen correctly. Khushru has an excellent sense of human innerism and sensitively combines both Eastern and Western approaches
Male sexuality training has brought fundamental changes to my relationship with my partner. Both in the area of physical love and in the area of mutual understanding and authentic expression of mutual needs.
Hi, my name is Ondřej and I signed up for Conscious Male Sexuality training to find out what kind of man I am and to be in a circle of sharing and trusting other men.
In training, I discovered a seemingly trivial thing: I am a man. But realizing this is more important to me than what a man I am.
I expected my relationship with women and women to me to change, but it happened, but my relationship with men changed far more. Our work together has led to changes in our beliefs about the world. It's not how I imagined it will be, it's the way it is. It's a change, it's an acceptance "I'm wrong ". It's something new. It's life. Sharing with men brings me masculine strength. I get and give in the circle.
Gregor's work is very human, tolerant, understanding, and can handle even tense crisis situations. He can motivate and move everyone who wants and no matter where they are in their development, everyone will take their own. I recommend the training to anyone who is looking for a way to himself, who feels that life has some overlap. To everyone who hears in the ears the roar of the sacred river Ahou
This training is organized by Ing. Václav Němeček,
IČ: 73434451, Tovéř 1, 783 16 Dolany
How to proceed with registration
- 1Fill in the application form and choose the method of payment for the trainingIf you are going to pay by modules, select the item "Art of Conscious Relationship - payment by modules". If you want to pay for the training at once, select the item "Art of conscious relationship - total payment". If you want to pay in installments, select the item "Art of conscious relationship - payment in installments".
- 2Send the initial payment of your choiceYou can find the payment details for the payment on the invoice that will arrive in your e-mail after sending the registration form.
- 3Send us a letter of motivation - within 14 days, no later than 5/5/2024In the e-mail with organizational instructions, which you will receive after sending the application, we will ask you to write a letter of motivation, which is a few sentences about what led you to the training. Please read the instruction letter carefully.
- 4Details on the payment processThe training can only be completed in its entirety, participation in all modules of the year-long training is mandatory (it is not possible to choose just one module). As an expression of commitment, we require payment of the last module in advance, the payment will be used to pay for the last module. The price of the training does not include food and accommodation.
Total payment of the training If you choose the item "Art of conscious relationship - total payment - CZK 39,900", then you will receive one invoice for the total payment. Payment by modules If you choose payment by modules, then together with the application you pay the payment for the mandatory registration (7,800 CZK) and then additional payments of 7,800 CZK, always 7 days before each module (1st, 2nd and 4th module). for the 3rd module it will be CZK 8,700. The first payment (mandatory registration) will be used as payment for the last fifth training module (December 2024). Payment in installments When paying in installments, together with the application, you pay the payment for the mandatory registration (CZK 7,800) and then another 10 monthly installments of CZK 3,210. The first installment is always due on the first day of the
Total payment for training - 1800 EUR
If you select the item "Total payment for training - 1600 EUR", then you will receive one invoice for the total payment.
Payment by modules - mandatory registration of training - 315 EUR
If you choose payment by modules, then together with the application you will pay the payment for Mandatory registration (in the price of the shorter module EUR 315) and then other payments EUR 350, always 7 days before each module (modules 1 - 4). For the third module, which is one day longer, the price is higher - EUR 350 The first payment (mandatory registration) will be used as payment for the last fifth training module (December 2023).
Payment by installments - mandatory registration of training - 315 EUR
If you want to spread the payment for the training in installments, select the item "Payment in installments - mandatory registration of training - 315 EUR". When paying in installments, you will pay together with the application the payment for the Mandatory registration and then another 10 monthly installments in the amount of EUR 129. The first installment is due on May 31, 2024 and then every month on the first day of the month.