Webinar: The Art of Conscious Relating

Václav Němeček
mentor, guide, creator of programs for men, co-guide for couples

Truly meeting your sexuality on a different, more mature level will bring you unsuspected powers that are hidden deep within your masculine being.

Sunday 20th November
@ 6pm CET

It's FREE f charge!

ART OF CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIP FOR MEN training is a space for authentic discovery of male sexuality and its conscious experience on all levels.

This is an invitation to a 5-module training for men.
This training is an opportunity and a space for you to renew your love and connection with your masculine self, with your vitality and consciousness in a supportive circle of other men with the same commitment
And this webinar is a space where you can find out in contact with a mentor whether this training is suitable for you.

20th November
at 6pm CET

Is this training for me?

  • If you feel that you are weak in your relationship with your wife, you are clueless and you act like a nice guy and you don't know what your wife wants from you
  • If you feel that you lack depth, satisfaction and fulfillment in your relationships
  • If you are looking for a connection with yourself - your strength, the ability to be loving and open and to be guided by a higher purpose
  • If you want to take your experience and understanding of sexuality and love to a new level
  • If you are willing to dive into conscious relationships in a heroic male way
  • If you are looking for a new vision and meaning of your life as a man

If you answered YES at least once,
then this training is for you and read on or sign up for the webinar right away, where you can discuss your questions with the mentor.

What will the training bring to me?

Relationship is the essence of all life. We are born from connection and need interaction to grow, thrive and find meaning in life. Relationships are an expression of this deep connection, but very often we are left without any real guidance, training or learning to navigate these beautiful and difficult levels of life.

We learn very little about the essential aspects of sexuality, the differences between romance and true love, and the many decisions we must make as men in the areas of intimacy, marriage, and family.

And at the same time, we are surrounded by old myths, cultural stereotypes, and naive stories about how men and women should feel and behave. We are torn between baseless idealizations and the often traumatic centuries-old legacy of hardship, struggle, and violence in intimate relationships.

Without real-world information and under the weight of cultural stereotypes, it's hard to find good role models and visions for healthy relationships.
How we engage in relationships is critical to our happiness, success, health, and experiencing meaning in life.

This training will provide you with the language, skills, and experiential learning to bring more ease, clarity, pleasure, and awareness to all of your relationships—intimacy, marriage, or simply your love affair with life itself.

Male sexuality training brought fundamental changes to my relationship with my partner. Both in the area of physical love, and in the area of mutual understanding and authentic expression of mutual needs.
Honzatraining participant

In training, you will discover the possibilities and space to renew your love of life and awareness of yourself as a man.

What will this live webinar bring you?

  • More clarity on what it takes to truly mature as a man
  • You will understand what you can do to let go of the immature boy in you in a healthy way
  • Possibilities to realize your growth in your life
  • Understanding the key principles and conditions without which you cannot move forward
Hello, my name is Ondřej and I signed up for the Conscious Male Sexuality training to find out what kind of man I am and to be able to be in a circle of sharing and trust with other men.
In training, I discovered a seemingly trivial thing: I am a man. But realizing that is more important to me than what kind of man I am.

I expected that my relationship with women and women with me would change, yes it did, but my relationship with men changed much more. Our work together has led to changes in our beliefs about ourselves and the world. It's not how I imagined it would be, it is how it is. It's a change, it's an acceptance of "I'm wrong". It's something new. It's life. Sharing with men brings me masculine power. In the circle I receive and give.

Gregor's work is very humane, tolerant, understanding, he can handle even tense crisis situations. He can motivate and move anyone who wants to and it doesn't matter where they are currently in their development, everyone gets their own. I recommend the training to anyone who is looking for a way to themselves, who feels that life has some overlap. To anyone who hears the hum of the sacred river in his ears.
Ondřejtraining participant

Webinar mentors

Václav Němeček & Gregor Steinmaurer

Václav Němeček

Has been leading men to their vision, truth and strength for more than 10 years now, for 6 years he led year long trainings of men's groups with the Men's Circle, which he co-created with other mentors. He founded and led the men’s circles in several cities in the Czech republic. He was one of the mentors of a very successful on-line programme The Way Of A Superior Man and he is the co-creator and mentor of the Evolution of man program. He was at the birth of the Conscious Male Sexuality training (now The Art of Conscious Relationship for Men). I have always been deeply moved by how most guys find that they fail to live fulfilling relationships with women. And so my journey leads me to support other men through my own transformation to live happier and more fulfilling relationships. I have been working intensively with couples for more than 5 years, together with my wife. We create, lead and hold the unique annual partner training Partner journey.. Since 2019, we have supported and helped couples together in the form of countless couple sessions and therapies. He is 43 years old, in his 8th year of a fulfilling, joyful and passionate relationship with his wonderful wife Jana, they have been married for 6 years now, and have 3 daughters (2 are my step-daughters).

Gregor Steinmaurer

Gregor Steinmaurer is a systemic therapist, coach and international Facilitator with over 20 years experience in working with people. He holds a Master Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Trauma Therapist (SE, NARM), and is trained in a broad spectrum of approaches to human development. Works in private practice and lives in Austria and Berlin, and teaches internationally workshops and Trainings. He has been working with Couples and offering long-term Trainings for Men for over 15 years. He is a senior lecturer at the Academy of Inner Science, and senior transformational faculty at Mobius Executive Leadership, bringing the tools for change and transformation to Executives and Leaders engaged in business and societal change.

Webinar registration